Control of food safety in Poland

lód spożywczy kostki lodu
It is well known, especially from reports of the Supreme Audit Office (NIK), which regularly examines various elements of the system, that the control of food safety in Poland leaves a lot to be desired.
According to NIK, the main threats in the food chain are as follows:
– food contamination (poor food quality),
– food adulteration,
– inadequate conditions for storing and selling food,
– inadequate animal welfare conditions (inappropriate animal nutrition – bone meal, transmission of zoonotic diseases to humans),
– illegal food production.
Ice seems easy to produce as it is just frozen water. The seemingly simple production creates the potential for abuses and negligence.

The dirty truth about ice cubes

Ask yourself the question, how clean is the ice in your glass? If you are not careful, your drink has a lot of dangerous bacteria, no matter where the ice was made, whether in a pub, restaurant, ice factory, or your own home. You may think that micro-organisms do not survive in the icy conditions of freezers, but the truth is quite different and this is backed up by years of research by scientists around the world freezing bacteria and studying their survival rates.

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Food and Nutrition Safety Act

The Food and Nutrition Safety Act has been in force in Poland since 28 October 2006. The food law is a set of legal acts establishing rules for the production and circulation of raw materials, food, and objects coming into contact with raw materials and food to the extent necessary to protect health and meet consumer expectations.

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Stowarzyszenie Producentów i Operatorów Certyfikowanego Lodu Spożywczego, (Association of producers and operators of certified food ice) KRS [National Court Register] No. 0000784552, REGON [National Official Business Register] No. 383424111, NIP [VAT] No. 7010927104 
00-630 WARSZAWA, ul. POLNA 24/7

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