By implementing and applying additional quality systems, the manufacturer makes the product safe for the consumer so that the consumer can be sure they are making the right choice.
The Food and Nutrition Safety Act has been in force in Poland since 2006. The act replaced the act of 11 May 2001 on health conditions of food and nutrition. According to the 2006 act, anyone who does not implement the principles of the HACCP system in a food production or marketing establishment, contrary to the obligation set out in Article 5 of Regulation EC No. 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs, shall be subject to a fine (Article 100 of the Food and Nutrition Safety Act). The act comprehensively sets out the conditions necessary to ensure food safety at all stages of the food chain. By implementing and applying additional quality systems, the manufacturer makes the product safe for the consumer so that the consumer can be sure they are making the right choice.