Can you get sick from contaminated ice?

Czy możesz zachorować od skażonego lodu?

There are few studies that provide information on standards for the production of ice cubes. One of them are reports released by ice machine manufacturer Ice-O-Matic. They showed that almost 40% of operators acknowledge that they did not realise how often the ice machine, especially the water filters, needed cleaning. This showed that this area is often a neglected place. In addition, despite being professionally involved in the production of ice cubes, operators were unaware that bacteria were able to survive in ice. 

Is this true? Unfortunately, yes! Bacteria that can cause health risks to humans are able to survive in ice cubes. After consuming contaminated ice, unwanted cases of cholera, Salmonella, E. coli, and Norovirus as well as many other diseases can occur.

Due to the possible presence of bacteria, regular cleaning of ice machines is required. The aim is not only to combat bacteria but also to eliminate the build-up of harmful slime or mould that naturally occurs when air is drawn into the unit during operation.
